Company history
- The company PFAFF & PFAFF GdbR was founded by Michael Pfaff and his son Reinhard Pfaff in 1996
The registered seat of the company was Erlangen. The core business of this company focused on transport and special deliveries. In the beginning vehicles equipped with tarpaulins and vans were used. - In 2002 the company’s activities were extended by a second location in Nuremberg. This step was motivated by the following significant circumstances:
Extension of business activities by:
- Storage of transport goods
- Special packaging of automobile modules
Further expansion of the fleet by:
- Tarpaulin road trucks
- Vans
- Tarpaulin trucks, (load capacity from 7.49t to 18t)
- Box vehicles with loading tailboards
- Refrigerated trucks
In 2006 the location of the company was centralised on its current seat at Neumeyerstrasse in Nuremberg. Moreover, the company’s legal form was changed into a sole proprietorship in 2007.
Spedition PFAFF
Transport – Lagerung – Logistics
Otto-Kraus-St. 6
90411 Nuremberg
The core business of the company has been focussed on:
- Transport of piece goods throughout Europe, with emphasis on Germany and France.
- Refrigerated transports
- Transport of dangerous goods
- Special delivery of small quantities and piece loads of up to 25t/vehicle throughout Europe
- Storage/consignment sale on behalf of the customer
- Special packaging of automobile modules while making use of our own storage capacity and fleet (equipped with automatic vehicle location)